GINNUNGA-GAP. In the beginning at the dawn of time, in the centre of the universe there was a great abyss called Ginnunga-gap. It is where the Ley lines of time and space unfold. This is the very fabric of the universe that gave birth to life itself, Yggdrasil and the Nine worlds of the Norsemen. North of Ginnunga-Gap is Nifelheim the home of mist and darkness. South of this chasm is Muspelheim where Sutr brandished his sword sending sparks upon the ice blocks in the bottom of the abyss of Ginnunga-Gap. The continual action of heat and cold and the will of the unseen and uncreated a gigantic creature named Ymir came to life amid the ice blocks. Ymir was also called Hrim-Thurs or ice giant. In search of something to eat Ymir found a gigantic cow named Audhumla (the Nourisher). Ymir saw four great streams of milk that flowed from her udder and drank from them. Audhumla now began to lick the salt from a nearby ice block. Soon the hair of the first god appeared, she continued to lick eventually the head and then finally all of Buri (The Producer) was freed. Ymir the giant had fallen asleep as he slept a son and daughter were created from the sweat under his armpit. From his feet was produced Thrudgelmir who shortly after his birth brought forth Bergelmir, from who all frost giants descended. When the first frost giants became aware of Burri and his son Borr a war began between them and the frost giants. The gods and frost giants represent the forces of good and evil. Borr married the Giantess Bestla daughter of Bolthorn. (Thorn of Evil). Bestla bore three powerful sons Odin (spirit) Vili (will) Ve (holy). These three sons joined their father Borr in his struggle against the frost giants. They finally succeded in slaying Ymir their deadliest foe. as Ymir fell dead blood gushed from his wounds in such great flood all of his race drowned except for Bergelmir and his wife. The two of them escaped in a boat to the confines of a world known as Jotunheim where a new race of frost giants began. Odin Vili and Ve rolled Ymir's great corpse into the yawning abyss of Ginnunga-gap and began to create from his remains. Out of Ymir's flesh they created Midgard and placed in the middle of vast space and surrounded by Ymir's eyebrows, blood and sweat. This formed the oceans of Midgard, form his bones the hills, from his teeth the cliffs, from his hair the trees and all vegetation. the gods now took Ymir's giant skull and with it created the heavens above earth and sea. from Ymir's brain was created the clouds. To support the heavens above Midgard the gods placed four strong dwarves Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Westri at each corner. to give light to Midgard they fashioned sparks from Muspelheim this created the stars. The brightest sparks were used for the sun and moon and placed in golden chariots. It is here Huginn and Munnin begin their journey.
References The Nine Realms in Norse Mythology
Myths of the Norsemen - H.A. Guerber
The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes
Anglo Saxon Runes
Jelling Stones, Nordic Elder and Viking Age Runes
Runic Codex
Uppsala Universitet / Institutionen för nordiska språk
Northern Paganism
Nine Sisters