EIR - Godess of Healing, Warrior, Protector. One of the more mysterious deities in Norse Mythology is Eir. She is primarily associated with healing, master of childbirth and handmaiden to Frigga. Eir is also a guardian of Menglod, Valkyries and Norns. Her healing magic comes from spells and potions made from white flowers. Eir is a healer of both gods and mortals, her healing magic spreads through the Nine realms of the Norsemen and can bring life to even the darkest world. She is also associated with the element copper. This illustration portrays Eir on horseback leading two Disirs (female helping spirits) and other immortal dieties sailing the ships in the background. This is their journey over the mountains of Lyfjaberg from Jotunn to Asunjar under the ever watchful eye of Odin.
Skjalden.com The Nine Realms in Norse Mythology https://skjalden.com/nine-realms-in-norse-mythology/
Norse Mythology.org https://norse-mythology.org/
Myths of the Norsemen - H.A. Guerber www.doverpublications.com
The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes https://www.amazon.ca/Little-Giant%C2%AE-Encyclopedia-Runes/dp/0806949945
Anglo Saxon Runes https://www.arild-hauge.com/eanglor.htm
Jelling Stones, Nordic Elder and Viking Age Runes http://www.runforum.nordiska.uu.se/runecast/episode-3/
Runic Codex https://www.apmanuscripts.com/special-collection/codex-runicus
Uppsala Universitet / Institutionen för nordiska språk https://www.nordiska.uu.se/
Northern Paganism https://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/holda/about.html
Nine Sisters https://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/ninesisters/ran/honoring-ran.html