RAN and her NINE DAUGHTERS - Ran is the mother and queen of the Northern seas. She is the wife of Aegir the king of the Northern seas. Ran, like her daughters can appear with legs or in mermaid form,. She is a sea giantess both beautiful and deadly. Ran takes on the darker, destructive aspects of the sea and is maker of all sea storms in the northern oceans. Her name means robber, ravenger or plunderer. Ran makes it very clear that she is a ravenger. She also collects and takes souls of the dead to Aegirheim. although Aegir is an ally to the Vanir and Aesir gods, Ran is an ally to Hela the Goddess of Death. Portrayed in this illustration Ran is in the centre. From left to right are the daughters of Ran and Aegir. Each daughter represents different aspects of the sea. HEVRING - Heaving Storms and Mourning's Mistress. BLODUGHADDA - Blood Hair and Shark's Delight. HIMINGLAVA - Mermaid of Fair Weather and Sunlight. HRONN - Mistress of Whirlpools, Eels and Fear. DUVA - The Hidden One and Keeper of Island Treasures. UNN - Billowing Tides and Maiden of the Counting Moon's Rythm. KOLGA - The Cold One, Ice Maiden of Floes and Castles. BYLGIA - Breaker's Dancer and Rider of the Wave Horse. BARA - Great Wave of the Whale, battering the land's stalwart stand. Viking's would often make offerings of gold, silver and jewels to Ran and her daughters in the hopes of safe passage. They believed that those who were lost and drowned at sea were actually captured and dragged down to the very depths by Ran and her daughters.
Skjalden.com The Nine Realms in Norse Mythology https://skjalden.com/nine-realms-in-norse-mythology/
Norse Mythology.org https://norse-mythology.org/
Myths of the Norsemen - H.A. Guerber www.doverpublications.com
The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes https://www.amazon.ca/Little-Giant%C2%AE-Encyclopedia-Runes/dp/0806949945
Anglo Saxon Runes https://www.arild-hauge.com/eanglor.htm
Jelling Stones, Nordic Elder and Viking Age Runes http://www.runforum.nordiska.uu.se/runecast/episode-3/
Runic Codex https://www.apmanuscripts.com/special-collection/codex-runicus
Uppsala Universitet / Institutionen för nordiska språk https://www.nordiska.uu.se/
Northern Paganism https://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/holda/about.html
Nine Sisters https://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/ninesisters/ran/honoring-ran.html