ODIN Also known as Woden, Uuoden, Wuodan, Weda, Wuotan, Wodanaz, Allfather and Cheiftan of all Norse gods. Odin has about 100 names even the day of the week Wednesday bears his name. He is a widely revered god and is associated with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, and the runic alphabet. Odin is also the lord of frenzy or leader of the possessed, many Viking warriors would pray to Odin before battle. He is the son of Bestla and Borr, has two brothers Villi and Ve also fathered many sons most famous Thor and Baldr. He also fathered Vidir with the giantess Grid and fathered Heimdall with the nine giantess daughters of Ran and Aegir. Often accompanied by the wolves Geri and Frek and the ravens Huginn and Muninn. Odin has a relentless thirst for all knowledge, he sacrificed his eye to increase his knowledge and perception. He has performed many great deeds one of them was to fast and hang from Yggdrasil, the cosmic ash tree for nine days and nights in order to discover the Norse runes. Odin is associated with the Valkyries, divine shield maidens. Odin receives half of those that die in battle. They become the Einherjar, Odin's heroic dead who go to his great hall Valhalla, where they fight and feast for eternity. Odin is fated to be consumed by the great wolf Fenrir at Ragnarok. In this image Odin is seen in his hall Valhalla with a sword and his spear Gungnir his primary weapon that was created by the dwarves. His two wolves Geri and Frek and his two ravens Huginn and Muninn bringing him information from Midgard the Realm of Humans. Odin known for changing form has taken the appearance of a common human man.
Skjalden.com The Nine Realms in Norse Mythology https://skjalden.com/nine-realms-in-norse-mythology/
Norse Mythology.org https://norse-mythology.org/
Myths of the Norsemen - H.A. Guerber www.doverpublications.com
The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes https://www.amazon.ca/Little-Giant%C2%AE-Encyclopedia-Runes/dp/0806949945
Anglo Saxon Runes https://www.arild-hauge.com/eanglor.htm
Jelling Stones, Nordic Elder and Viking Age Runes http://www.runforum.nordiska.uu.se/runecast/episode-3/
Runic Codex https://www.apmanuscripts.com/special-collection/codex-runicus
Uppsala Universitet / Institutionen för nordiska språk https://www.nordiska.uu.se/
Northern Paganism https://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/holda/about.html
Nine Sisters https://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/ninesisters/ran/honoring-ran.html